‘O’ Examninations

Examinations are coming near
I am getting some type of fear
I didn’t study the whole year
I am studying when you are coming near

O examinations you are bringing fear
For all those who didn’t study all the year
They are very afraid of you
So they are taking tuitions too

They are studying day and night
Forgetting everything in your flight
You are creating tension on their head
Now they are sleeping three hours in their bed

O examination why are you coming near
First let me study without any fear
I will work very hard
To get good marks in my memo card


By Hassan Razavi ( Hassan Ali Syed)


Copyright @ 2005

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2 Responses to ‘O’ Examninations

  1. Unknown says:

    They r VERY beautiful!!!I like your style! continues comme ça Hassan! 😉

  2. Sharu says:

    Hello Hassan, Thanks for visiting my space, so I have yours. As I see you are quite a poet indeed! Loved all your poems especially the ones about friendship. They were easy to read and up to the point. Yet, I’d like to make a suggestion nonetheless. Though all of your poems are good, might I suggest you try to write such poems that have more expressive words and a deeper understanding? It would help your readers to a door to your imagination and views about the world. I really do say a lot, don’t I? Well, I am still new to the msn spaces so I am still finding ideas of making my space more interesting. Ciao! – ChoosingShari

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